Should college course titles be italicized in writing?

College course titles are an essential aspect of a student’s academic journey. They serve as a guide to help students understand the content of their classes, and they also play a crucial role in helping institutions organize their course offerings.

Pros of Italicizing College Course Titles

Improved Readability

One of the main benefits of italicizing college course titles is that it improves readability. When a title is written in bold, it draws attention to itself and makes it easier for students to find and identify what they need to focus on. This can be especially helpful for larger class rosters, where it may be challenging to quickly locate a particular class or section.

Consistency and Organization

Another advantage of using italics is that it helps create consistency and organization in course titles. By using the same font style and size, institutions can ensure that all course titles are presented in a uniform way, making it easier for students to navigate their course schedules. Additionally, using italics can help differentiate between course titles and other text on a webpage, such as headings or subheadings.

Better Accessibility

Finally, using italics can improve the accessibility of college course titles. This is particularly important for students with visual impairments who may rely on screen readers to navigate websites. By using bold or italicized text, it becomes easier for these students to identify course titles and find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Cons of Italicizing College Course Titles

Distracting from Content

One potential downside of italicizing college course titles is that it can distract from the content itself. By drawing too much attention to the title, students may be tempted to focus on it instead of the material being presented. This can be especially problematic for longer class sessions where students need to maintain their focus for extended periods.

Lack of Context

Another potential drawback is that italicizing course titles can make it difficult to provide context. When a title is written in bold or italics, it may not be immediately clear what the course is about or what subject area it falls into. This can be especially problematic for students who are new to a particular institution or department and may need additional guidance to navigate their course offerings.

Difficulty in Collaboration

Finally, using italics can make collaboration more difficult, particularly when students are working on group projects or assignments. If course titles are not easily identifiable, it can be challenging to locate specific courses or sections that may be relevant to a particular project or assignment. This can lead to confusion and delays in completing tasks on time.

Alternatives to Italicizing College Course Titles

While there are certainly benefits to using italics, there are also alternatives that may be more effective in certain situations. One option is to use bold text instead of italics to highlight course titles. This can still improve readability and draw attention to important information without being as distracting as bold or italicized text.

Another option is to use a unique font style or color to differentiate course titles from other text on a webpage. This can be especially helpful for students who are using screen readers, as it allows them to easily identify course titles and find the information they need quickly and efficiently.


In conclusion, whether or not college course titles should be italicized is a matter of personal preference and depends on the specific needs of an institution and its students. While there are certainly benefits to using italics, there are also potential downsides that should be carefully considered before making a decision.