Should Course Titles Be Capitalized in Writing?

Capitalizing Course Titles: Pros and Cons

Pros of Capitalizing Course Titles

One of the main advantages of capitalizing course titles is that it makes them stand out on a page full of text. When you capitalize the first letter of each word in a title, it draws attention to the most important words and makes them more prominent. This can be especially helpful when you’re trying to grab your reader’s attention and get them interested in learning more about your course.

Another benefit of capitalizing course titles is that it can help to clarify the content of your course. When you use capital letters to emphasize certain words, it can make it easier for your readers to understand what your course is all about. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to appeal to a wide range of learners who may have different backgrounds and levels of knowledge.

Cons of Capitalizing Course Titles

While capitalizing course titles has its benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. One of the main concerns is that it can make your titles look overly formal or academic. This can be off-putting for some learners who may be looking for more casual and engaging content.

Another disadvantage of capitalizing course titles is that it can take away from the overall readability of your page. When you use too many capital letters, it can make your text look cluttered and difficult to read. This can be especially problematic if you’re trying to convey complex ideas or technical information in your course.

The Importance of Consistency

Regardless of whether you decide to capitalize your course titles or not, it’s important to be consistent throughout your website. If you use capital letters for some titles but not others, it can create a visual inconsistency that can be confusing for your readers. It’s always better to choose one style and stick with it, so that your website looks professional and easy to navigate.

Case Studies

To help you make an informed decision about how to format your course titles, let’s look at some real-life examples from companies and organizations around the world.

The Harvard Business School uses capitalized titles for many of its courses, such as “Introduction to Marketing Management” and “Leadership and Management Development Program.” This gives their course titles a more formal and professional look, which may be appropriate for their target audience of business leaders and executives.

On the other hand, Codecademy, an online learning platform for computer science and web development, uses lowercase letters for its course titles. This gives their courses a more modern and casual feel, which may be more appealing to their target audience of aspiring programmers and developers.


When it comes to whether you should capitalize your course titles or not, the answer depends on your specific goals and audience. If you’re trying to appeal to a professional or academic audience, using capitalized titles may be appropriate. However, if you’re targeting a more casual or modern audience, lowercase letters may be more effective.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be consistent with your formatting throughout your website, and to choose a style that reflects the tone and style of your content. By doing so, you can create a professional and engaging learning experience for your students.


Here are some frequently asked questions about capitalizing course titles:

  • Can I use both capitalized and lowercase letters in my course titles?
  • How do I know if my course titles are too long or cluttered?
  • Should I capitalize the first letter of every word in my course title, or just the first letter of the first word and proper nouns?